I had a pretty fabulous week! Working at The Karate School keeps me pretty entertained, the kids there are amazing and never fail to surprise me!... bad&good! ha!
Monday was my 1st day at work with my nose pierced,
the kids loved it! Could not stop complimenting me!
But hey, why not!(: lol
Got it done last Saturday @ Magic Needle!
It's official, I'm going to the World Tournament!
I finally learned my form! XD Super excited!
Did the Kick-a-Thon Thursday
Did 2,000 kicks in 45 min
Raised well over 100$
I went to the midnight premier of MAGIC MIKE!
Thanks Taylor&Olivia!<3
You better believe that was good!
I'll be the 1st one in line to buy it when it comes out!
<3 |
On days when we don't go anywhere with TKS it sometimes gets kinda boring..
So we find ways to entertain ourselves!
Not sure what we ended up saying he was..
At 1st it was 'Box Boy', then 'Dr. Pepper Prime', then 'Iron Man' bc of his "mask" lol
Today was also the 1st day I actually wanted to stay outside, it felt great around 3:30 today, so I pulled out some chalk!
Amanda made this! XD
Sorry Isaac, she spelled it wrong! But hey, I finally learned! lol
She also made this! I thought it was super cute(:
So it turns out that there's never really a boring day at work!
My beautiful cousin and this adorable girl from karate.
Mia watches what I do, and she wants to do the same..
good thing I'm a good kid!
Sydney asked me if she could be my sister a couple of days ago. She said she wants to be like me when she grows up.
Knowing that I have that affect on kids makes me feel pretty darn great!
Still looking for a car -.-
It'd be great if one just showed up in my drive way out of no where!
Have a good wkend y'all!