Tuesday, April 17, 2012

LMS for a TBH!

You want a tbh post? Here it is!..

To be honest:
-I like to be goofy and laugh alot.
-I AM LOUD... if you don't like it, get some earplugs!
-I don't smoke. I don't drink. I don't party every wkend. I don't sleep around. And I don't start drama to get attention... Yes, we do still exist lol
-I'm a perfectionist, and some may say I'm OCD... but I'm not perfect.
-I'm in AP classes, but it doesn't mean I'm the smartest cookie in the jar... nor am I the dumbest(;
-I don't have perfect hair. I'm not as skinny as a toothpick, I'm knee-knocked, and have big feet.
-I make a bigger deal out of things than what they need to be.
-I like to be center of attention.. that's not necessarily a bad thing! haha
-I don't need 3layers of make-up to make me beautiful. I'm perfectly fine without it.. don't care for your opinions...
-I have guys falling for me up and down, left to right.. but I don't think I'm the $h!t..
-I'm not popular but I do have tons of friends, and lots of best friends.. I appreciate them all. Yes I do get hurt sometimes, but what's life with out a little pain.
-I don't have my own 'clique' I talk to everyone... the 'populars', the 'nerds', the 'geeks', and the 'normals'... I have more friends and am well known that way!(:
-I like to mix-match my socks!
-I prefer sweats and a hoodie over a nice shirt, jeans, and fancy shoes.
-I like to paint my nails to match my outfit, so if it's everyday well then so be it!(:
-I get scared easily, yet I enjoy watching scary movies.
-I don't like to go outside. I hate sweating. And I hate bugs.
-I'm not rich, nor am I poor, but I am well off and have more than what I could ask for.
-I have familiar issues, and sometimes I feel like half my family hates me. 
-I don't put up with fake people.. they're annoying. 

And the list only continues. But after all, all these are what makes me, ME. I love myself the way I am and don't plan on changing for anybody. Nor do I expect anyone to change for me. Take me the way I am or not at all, it's as simple as that. I've done things that some may think as terrible or not right, but I surely don't regret any of it. You gotta enjoy life, you don't get a second chance... YOLO!(:

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