Friday, September 7, 2012

Just Fortuitous(:

I need a bigger vocabulary, so an simpler form.. JUST HAPPY!(:

I would like...
A faster computer -_-
A car
To see Isaac
Cooler weather!
To run a mile everyday
To change a person's life atleast twice a week


I recently became a Steelers fan!
So I'm excited for the game on Sunday
Steelers v. Broncos!
I'm tired of not knowing what everyone's talking about during football/marching (lol) season
So I watched the game Wednesday
I don't know anything that happened except for that Tony Romo had a good game and that the score was 24-17!


I've been in a "be happy, be positive" mood lately!
...I'm learning from a couple of my friends [:

"Laugh when you can, Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.
Kiss slowly.
Forgive quickly.
Play hard, Take chances.
Give everything, And have no regrets.
Life is too short to be anything but happy!"

Yeah, Walt Disney, he's my favorite...
I kinda wish I could marry him! XD

If you think someone's judging you, they probably are..
get over it! They're dumb!
Don't worry about what other people got to say about you!
Live life! Be Crazy! Don't have regrets!

You see, I got this one friend, and she could be going through hell
but she seems to always find something positive to say!
So I'm working on it! I've been doing good this wk!

*Isaac >>> You're the Inspiration! *


Didn't get to go to the AHS game last night, 
but I heard the band did great!
Congrats y'all [:


Random thought I had last night: I want to buy a cat, dye it purple, then throw it in the streets to amuse people! LOLOLOL! XD

 Don't tick me off! LOL


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