Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Blog of Quotes&Pictures

It's been a while and I apologize.. but there has just been sooo much going on...

With all the the hard&stupid and lovey/sappy/happy/crappy stuff I've been dealing with lately I could write y'all a novel!
So to avoid the annoyance in that, I present y'all with "a blog of quotes&pictures",  that shall express my past few weeks to you :

Like seriously!
I've been thinking about highlights like her..

Sometimes I'm feeling fabulous
And sometimes...

"Treat every day like Christmas!"
"There's room for everyone on the nice list!"
"The best way to spread Christmas cheer is
singing loud for all to hear!"
I'm excited for it to get cold outside!

Got it!(:

Thought this was kinda funny(:
Every night at 10!
Heck yeah!

Unfortunately, not as easy as it sounds

True Story

And there we have it!
My past 3wks!
It's gonna get better, I know.

Thank God for my mom&sister, and my family.

Thank God for the few friends I can go to no matter the situation..
The unconditional ones. 
The ones who "don't judge me" [;
The ones that go out of their way to help you,
because they know, if they scratch my back, I'll scratch theirs'
and that's just how it goes(:

Happy Tuesday(:

Friday, September 7, 2012

Just Fortuitous(:

I need a bigger vocabulary, so an simpler form.. JUST HAPPY!(:

I would like...
A faster computer -_-
A car
To see Isaac
Cooler weather!
To run a mile everyday
To change a person's life atleast twice a week


I recently became a Steelers fan!
So I'm excited for the game on Sunday
Steelers v. Broncos!
I'm tired of not knowing what everyone's talking about during football/marching (lol) season
So I watched the game Wednesday
I don't know anything that happened except for that Tony Romo had a good game and that the score was 24-17!


I've been in a "be happy, be positive" mood lately!
...I'm learning from a couple of my friends [:

"Laugh when you can, Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.
Kiss slowly.
Forgive quickly.
Play hard, Take chances.
Give everything, And have no regrets.
Life is too short to be anything but happy!"

Yeah, Walt Disney, he's my favorite...
I kinda wish I could marry him! XD

If you think someone's judging you, they probably are..
get over it! They're dumb!
Don't worry about what other people got to say about you!
Live life! Be Crazy! Don't have regrets!

You see, I got this one friend, and she could be going through hell
but she seems to always find something positive to say!
So I'm working on it! I've been doing good this wk!

*Isaac >>> You're the Inspiration! *


Didn't get to go to the AHS game last night, 
but I heard the band did great!
Congrats y'all [:


Random thought I had last night: I want to buy a cat, dye it purple, then throw it in the streets to amuse people! LOLOLOL! XD

 Don't tick me off! LOL


Monday, September 3, 2012

Back to School

"When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way. Implicitly and unquestionably."
-Walt Disney 
So, umm, well, Isaac left for college. It's just about killing me.
I don't really know what to say..
He's too great for words.
Put's a smile on my face, treats me like a princess, and is as crazy as me.
Loud & A child at heart.
We're almost too perfect.. And all my friends approve!(:
Photo Shoot!
He's going to Pensacola Christian College :(
9hrs away -_-
Road trip anyone?! XD
"Good Night" by Gloriana

On a different note...
I started college last Tuesday! I was so scared to go, I felt so lost! O_o It's goin' pretty good, my psyc teacher is crazy though XD I'm taking 1 class in school and 3online, not too bad yet, but I'm sure it'll get tougher!

Working after school now, it's my 1st yr doing that, and I love it! I'm the 1st person the kids see when they get out of school and they're always excited to see me and tell me about their day.. love it!

Went to the AHS varsity game to watch the band last Friday night! 
Madi, Lauren, Isaac &I all went! It was great seeing everyone.. super weird not having to stand at attention, or not eat in my uniform, or not marching with all my friends!!
Keep your heads up &stay focused.
(Look at the sing above the exit door!)
It'll get better, just hang in there!(;

Saturday night was emotional to say the least. Hung out with friends from karate and said bye to Isaac. Stayed at Nikole's and worked at the boutique Sunday! I hung out with Madi&Ashley, breakfast for dinner, IHOP!

It's been quite a roller coaster..
but when is it not!

Just 2 months..!

Have a good 2nd wk of school y'all!