Friday, April 20, 2012


Rose&Thorn, Peak&Pit.. it's all the same!

Rose: Getting a new iTouch case!
Thorn: Getting sick, and wanting to die because it was so bad

Rose: Waking up..
Thorn: Not being able to go to karate because my tummy was hurting again :(

Rose: Treating my mommy to Chili's(:
Thorn: English class.. never look forward to that.

Rose: 6months with Brandon & surprising Ashley for her 17th birthday (yesterdays blog)!
Thorn: Taylor Omenson leaving me in economics again! :p

Rose: Mrs. Beard dropping the F bomb... crazy stuff! This lady needs more than Adele to relax her! A massage, some therapy, pills and a straight jacket is more what she needs!
Thorn:The rainn

As the date gets closer to graduation I begin to think... the rose&thorn of my day won't be about school and the small things in life anymore. They'll be about real, more important things... Kind of a scary thought. I'm not too sure I'm ready for that yet.

Excited for this wkend!
Movie night tonight with Brandon, 
then probs gonna be tanning (if it doesn't rain!) the rest of the wkend!...
Getting ready for PROM!! C:

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Tribute to the Birthday Girl!


Today my best friend turns 17!
So here's the story...
I've known Ashely since I was in the 7th grade, and I always thought she was weird and annoying, never wanted anything to do with her! LOL Then high school came around and Ashely and I had a mutual friend so I started having to put up with her(;
So we finally became real good friends my 10th grade yr. And it went from there!

Ashley in 7th grade
When I hated her! lol
Probably one of our 1st pics together!
End of marching season 10/9th gr yr!

Disney World! Spring Break 11/10th grade!
Her obsession for toy story(:
 Continuing our tradition...
Me proposing with a balloon at the Band Banquet!
Was jealous of Taylor..
Wanted the pic to emphasize her "big butt" lol
Has got to be the BEST present
Sneaking pics in band!
Homecoming 2011
Christmas shopping car rides
Girls night(:
Birthday balloons from Madi

Ashley is one darn unique person! She has an obsession for 'Toy Story' and loves moose. She loves Disney and wants to work at Disney World with Madi for a living!... I will be there every summer y'all (just a heads up!(: haha) She gets along with practically everyone and can put up with a lot.. but she can be mean too! So don't get on her bad side! LOL She's a strong person, she sticks to what she believes and doesn't let any one get in her way and stop her. She has been my rock and life jacket when the days came when I wasn't very strong. And no matter the choices I make I know she's there to back my decision.

I'm glad I got around to actually talking to her in 10th grade because she is now my best friend! I love her with everything in me... Just the way she is, "flaws" and all!

(Ash, you like my Toy Story colors?!)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

LMS for a TBH!

You want a tbh post? Here it is!..

To be honest:
-I like to be goofy and laugh alot.
-I AM LOUD... if you don't like it, get some earplugs!
-I don't smoke. I don't drink. I don't party every wkend. I don't sleep around. And I don't start drama to get attention... Yes, we do still exist lol
-I'm a perfectionist, and some may say I'm OCD... but I'm not perfect.
-I'm in AP classes, but it doesn't mean I'm the smartest cookie in the jar... nor am I the dumbest(;
-I don't have perfect hair. I'm not as skinny as a toothpick, I'm knee-knocked, and have big feet.
-I make a bigger deal out of things than what they need to be.
-I like to be center of attention.. that's not necessarily a bad thing! haha
-I don't need 3layers of make-up to make me beautiful. I'm perfectly fine without it.. don't care for your opinions...
-I have guys falling for me up and down, left to right.. but I don't think I'm the $h!t..
-I'm not popular but I do have tons of friends, and lots of best friends.. I appreciate them all. Yes I do get hurt sometimes, but what's life with out a little pain.
-I don't have my own 'clique' I talk to everyone... the 'populars', the 'nerds', the 'geeks', and the 'normals'... I have more friends and am well known that way!(:
-I like to mix-match my socks!
-I prefer sweats and a hoodie over a nice shirt, jeans, and fancy shoes.
-I like to paint my nails to match my outfit, so if it's everyday well then so be it!(:
-I get scared easily, yet I enjoy watching scary movies.
-I don't like to go outside. I hate sweating. And I hate bugs.
-I'm not rich, nor am I poor, but I am well off and have more than what I could ask for.
-I have familiar issues, and sometimes I feel like half my family hates me. 
-I don't put up with fake people.. they're annoying. 

And the list only continues. But after all, all these are what makes me, ME. I love myself the way I am and don't plan on changing for anybody. Nor do I expect anyone to change for me. Take me the way I am or not at all, it's as simple as that. I've done things that some may think as terrible or not right, but I surely don't regret any of it. You gotta enjoy life, you don't get a second chance... YOLO!(:

Monday, April 9, 2012

Couldn't ask for a better wkend(:

Lots of fun, and tons of laughing!

But first off:
-If there is one thing someone who doesn't know me, should know about me, is that I will defend my family in any case, no matter the situation... family comes 1st... always. No one gets away with harming my family.
-Another thought... ladies, don't ever let someone touch you in any way that you don't want to be touched. Don't let any guy put a hand on you... if they do, you have every right to defend yourself!

"Live in such a way that if anyone should speak badly of you, no one would believe it"

Friday (Amanda&Zack's 8months!)...
Zack came over all day
A little domestic violence! lol

Amanda wanted to celebrate, so she made a picnic(:
Most ppl pray before they eat, no these kids play patty cake!

Amanda told Zack he was too white, so they went to tan lol

Saturday I helped my mom at work all morning then hung out with Brandon all evening(: Later went to dinner with the family.

Sunday (EASTER!)...
Spent all day with my family, how it should be! After 3 days of being with Zack, we all realized that Zack is Conor's best friend lol
These 2 have a special bond!

Amanda's wearing heels! She's not THAT much taller then him! haha

 "When all else goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching--they're your family" -Jim Butcher

I had an amazing weekend full of love and laughter and people I love. Keep your family close because they are the ones that are always there for you at the end of the day(:

"Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world" -Lucille Ball

Thursday, April 5, 2012

What a week!

A lot of things happened this wk!

I learned quite a few things...

1) Here's a good one.. Mr. Ward needs to find new judges!
     -Blacksheire and Kinsley are too old to be judging, they clearly can't hear if they say the piccolo had great pitch Tuesday night! lol

2) If a child hands you a toy phone (for ex) you take it! And answer it! It's what they're looking for!

3) There may be 1,000 bad things about a person, but I promise, there is always at least one good one! If I can find one in my dad, I can guarantee you it's possible!

4) Separation is a good thing! Just because your couple doesn't go to you 1st but instead goes to their friend, it doesn't mean they're ignoring you, or that something's wrong... they just simply wanna talk to their friends... don't always assume the worst. 

5) It takes two people to cause a fight/argument... so don't point fingers at someone else before making sure your hands are clean first.

6) Don't always revolve your plans around everyone else.
     -I always try to make my friends happy before I even think about pleasing myself. Sometimes, I disagree, and sometimes I'll argue it. But most times, I just let it be... no need to be picky.. But if they don't follow through then what happens, you're stuck with plans you made for someone else.. Your happiness is important too. Don't let your opinion not matter!

7) Don't hold a grudge over something so stupid, it's not doing you any good, just move on. Like Caston and my mom say "don't worry about something you can't control". 

8) To every situation there are two sides...
     -People have different beliefs and different ways of living, and different ways of handling situations. It's important to follow what you believe... but it's also important to be able to realize that not everyone will agree with you... you have to learn to say "i disagree with you, but i accept/understand why you're doing it"
Either way, I'm Switzerland!..
I love my friends!...
They mean the world to me!

I did quite a few things this wk...

Took Senior Pics Sunday!!
Photos by Nikole(:

No Mrs Beard for 2 days!

Tried scaring Caston, then the entire band & the hall dwellers on Monday!
His name is Duddly & he does his job well! I scared like half the school!

Pre-UIL Tuesday

Mia's track meet Wednesday

UIL Choir Today
Straight ones on stage&sightreading! Goodjob Chorale ladies(:

And then, an easter basket&flowers for madi!
Goodjob Ashley! Very cute idea!

Busy week! Full of upsetting/emotional/fun/exciting events! No matter the situation, at the end of the day I can always smile because I know that I have the ones who truly love me at my side!