Sunday, May 6, 2012

Summer Time

And with this title, I gotta change my background!(:

I've been gone for a while, but I'm back!.. with a full calender for May, Honors Band, AP test coming up and trying to pass economics, it's kinda hard to keep up with this.. but I'm almost done!!(:
(Photo taken at 7:51pm)

My summer has already started and I am just sooo excited for the rest of it! 
I have so many things I want to do, but of course,
 I don't grow money in my backyard "/
Can't wait to go back to work! The pool! The beach!
1st summer as an "adult"! Maybe I'll be allowed on some road trips alone with friends!.. Mommy?!(;

So here's what's been going on:
-Sent out most of my grad invites! I've got people coming to see me from Hawaii -to Louisiana -to Venezuela.. yeah I feel loved! lol
-My mom, sister and I have a new thing where we go to the beach every Sunday, it's kinda relaxing! Of course since I haven't been out in the sun hardly, I got tomato red, smh, lol
-Senior Picnic was this past Monday to start off my last month as a senior! Lots of people I'm gonna miss next year "/
-Existentialist lecture on Wednesday.. I really enjoy learning about this!

"At war time, the fat get skinny, and the skinny die." 
-Holocaust Survivor.  
Love what you got because not everyone is as fortunate as us

I spent the wkend with my aunt and uncle!
-Surprised Mia and took her Showtime! Friday night, my friends did amazing, the choir never fails to amaze me! Congrats y'all<3
-Had a concert again so Mia tagged along and hung out with me and my friends all day! She laughs with/at them so much and they love her(:
-My mom came home Sunday from here retreat.. I missed her so much!
-Went to Olivia's grad party! The water slide was crazyy(: Ate a piece of her body!(; (cake lol) and took one of each of her senior pics to add to my senior scrapbook I'm starting!

Ready for this week!
English AP test Thursday tho "/ Pray for me!
PROM on Saturdayyy!!
Seniors hang in there! We're almost out!!

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